
Some of us will be able to think of an example of when we worked well with a superior or coworker. However, most of us will have an example of when it was difficult to work with a superior or coworker. How did it impact the way you did your job?

Did you know?

  • A lack of appreciation from leaders and managers, causes 79% of employees to resign
  • 83% of businesses understand the importance of training and developing leaders across their business.
  • Yet only 5% of companies have established development and leadership programmes within their organisation
  • 69% of the new generation workforce claim that development and leadership is lacking in their place of work.
  • 91% of Millennials say they plan to spend less than 3 years in one position.

Business leaders are the glue that holds a company together; connecting the people, the culture, the growth and the entrepreneurship. A company without a strong leader will quite simply fall apart at the seams.

What are the main qualities of a great leader?

Leaders design and strategise the path a business will take to reach their targets. They must then inspire and motivate everyone involved to achieve the company goals.
The most effective way to do this, is to lead by example. Demonstrate your belief in the project, motivate your team to achieve their tasks and show your appreciation for the work they do well.




i) Managing Change
Modern day business requires resilience from agile leaders, more than ever before. In order to remain at the top of their game, it’s essential for businesses to innovate and re-strategise regularly. This is necessary to maintain a competitive edge in the current markets. Effective change management skills are required from a strong leader, to navigate the business and its people through constant transition successfully.

ii) Decision Making
Making a tough decision will be an almost daily requirement within any leadership role. Those decisions could have a vital impact on the business, in either a positive or negative way. You may occasionally find yourself in a position where you have to say ‘no’ or stand up to someone for the sake of doing what’s best for the business. The ability to make informed, well thought out and firm decisions, often within short time frames can be intimidating. However this is an essential key skill in leadership. Studying for a business degree and working alongside professors who have vast experience can help install confidence to master this skill.

iii) Effective Communication
When a business decision is made, such as starting a new project or changing direction, it’s vital that everyone is informed and the message is communicated effectively. This ensures the whole business has a clear focus on the tasks in hand In previous times, a decision would be made at leadership level, passed along the line management chain and often become diluted by the time it reached the people who actually carried out the work. With efficient modern digital tools such as email, instant messenger platforms and webinars, it’s never been easier to keep an entire business up to date with important decisions and create a culture of unity. Leadership skills are not just something you learn once, the most effective leaders are constantly re-training, learning and researching how to take productivity to the next level.


Traditionally leadership could be quite dictatorial, based around installing fear and exerting authority. Thankfully, that theory is now obsolete and there is more direct focus on understanding human psychology, in order to get the most productivity from your workforce.

If your team isn’t meeting their targets, how about incentivising them rather than punishing them? If someone in your team is more productive when working in the evening, why not be flexible with that where the business allows?

For some this comes more naturally than others, however undertaking training, such as studying for a BBA, MBA or DBA will equip you with an extensive ‘toolkit’ of skills to motivate rather than dictate!

SSBR offers practical and flexible BBA, MBA, DBA and PhD programmes, designed to prepare you with the skills and knowledge required to take business leadership to the next level. Our research degrees are tailored to suit your lifestyle and our highly experienced faculty will support you through each step of the way.

Start your journey to becoming a successful business leader today. Get in touch with one of our friendly enquiries team for more details.

Email: info@ssbr-edu.ch
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